Are you underweight?? If yes, After reading this you'll ask "How to gain weight???"

Are you underweight????? If yes, you sure are in danger dude..

According to recent study, it has been declared that being underweight is more dangerous than being overweight. Being underweight can make you prone to many diseases such as diabetes, cancer.Weighing too little can contribute to a weakened immune system, fragile bones and feeling tired.most of the times not being able to gain weight is symptom for many diseases. 

Here are some dangers of being underweight:-

Dangers of underweight:

  • Prone 
  • to infection, comprised immune system.
  • Low muscle mass.
  • Hair loss.
  • Irregular hormone regulation.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Anemia
  • Pregnancy complications (or inability to get pregnant)
  • Menstrual irregularities.

  • Danger of being underweight
    Risks of being underweight


You can check if you're underweight by using our Healthy weight calculator, which shows your body mass index (BMI) . BMI is a value derived from the wieght and height of an individual. For adult, if BMI is lower than 18.5 then the individual is considered to be underweight.

Here is the BMI chart:
BMI chart
BMI chart

Now the questions comes....


Eating Habits

Eat frequently
  1. 1
    Add additional 500 calories daily . Adding another 500 calories to your diet everyday will lead to a weight gain of 0.5 kg, or a little over 1 lb, each week. This may not seem like a lot, but consuming too many additional calories per day could be bad for your body.
  2. 2
    Eat and drink frequently. If you want to gain weight quickly, you should eat a total of six times a day. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and enjoy a snack after each meal.
    Time table to gain weight
    • As a general rule, do not let more than four waking hours pass without eating.
    • Your three main meals should be fairly substantial. Do not decrease your portion size during these meals.
    • Three or more of your meals and snacks should contain a protein, starch, vegetable, and fat.
    • As long as you do not decrease the amount you eat during your main meals, adding snacks in between meals is a good way to pack more calories into your day.
  3. 3
    Increase your portion size. Another school of thought is to skip the snacking and simply increase your portion sizes at each meal. This can be done by adding another course to each meal or by going back for seconds even after you feel satisfied with the amount of food you have already eaten.
    • The idea here is that, by skipping out on snacks, you will build more of an appetite. As a result, you will be more inclined to scarf down more calories in the form of more food.
    • Both practices are valid ways to add calories and gain weight quickly. You may need to play around with both techniques to determine which is more effective for you.
  4. 4
    Eat quick. When you eat slow, you give your body the chance to digest your food as you eat, which results in feeling fuller faster. If you eat quickly, you can eat more food before your body has the chance to feel full, making it easier to consume more.
  5. 5
    Indulge in a midnight snack.If you were trying to lose weight, you would be advised to avoid eating past 7:00 pm. When you are trying to gain weight, though, the opposite is true. Eating a late dinner or having a snack immediately before you go to bed is a good way to give your body calories that it will not have the opportunity to readily burn off.
    • Additionally, the body builds more muscle and lean tissue during sleep. Eating a snack before bed supplies your body with the nutrients it needs to build more lean tissue as you sleep.

Choosing the Right Foods and Drinks

  1. 1
    Research high-calorie and nutrient-dense foods. Within every food group, there are certain foods that are nutritionally healthy yet high in calories. Opt for these options rather than low-calorie foods from the same food group.[4]
    • In the grains group, eat heavy breads like whole wheat and pumpernickel and dense cereals with granola. Bran muffins, bagels, and wheat germ are also good choices.
    • In the fruit group, consider eating more bananas, pineapples, raisins, dried fruit, and avocados. In general, starchy fruits are preferable to water-rich fruits.
    • For vegetables, try peas, corn, potatoes, and winter squash. As with fruit, starchy vegetables are better than water-rich vegetables.
    • Within the dairy group, consider cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and whole milk.
    • For proteins, consider eating nut butters, nuts, seeds, and hummus.
      Foods to eat to gain weight
  2. 2
    Drink more of your food. Liquids can fill you up, but they are still less filling than solid foods. A good way to gain weight fast is to put on calories by drinking high-calorie drinks in between meals.
    • Smoothies and milkshakes are ideal, especially those made with 100% fruit juice and low-fat milk.
    • Juice and milk are also good options, as well as protein shakes.
    • You can enjoy soda, coffee, and sweet tea on a limited basis, but even though these options will allow you to pack away the calories, the calories are largely empty, making them less than ideal.
  3. 3
    Make use of add-ins. You can stir high-calorie, nutritious foods into your favorite foods to add extra calories without making you feel much fuller.
    • Stir powdered milk into beverages, soups, stews, and sauces.
    • Sprinkle nuts over your salad or cereal.
    • Stir ground flaxseed into salads, cereals, and smoothies.
    • Sprinkle cheese over your casseroles, soups, scrambled eggs, salads, and sandwiches.
  4. 4
    Consume more protein. Protein helps your body build muscle mass. Muscle mass is lean weight, so building more muscle will allow you to gain weight without gaining much fat. Protein is especially important if you plan to use weight/strength training to gain more muscle.
    • Good sources of protein-rich foods include lean meats, fish, grains, nuts and seeds, eggs, and peanut butter.
  5. 5
    Cook with oil and butter. Cooking foods in oil and butter will increase a dish's total number of calories. Note that some fats are healthier than others, and you should still gravitate toward fats that are better for you rather than those that contain almost no nutritional benefit, like lard.
    • Good fats to cook with include:
      • Olive oil, which contains 119 calories per 1 Tbsp (15 ml).
      • Canola oil, which contains 120 calories per 1 Tbsp (15 ml).
      • Butter, which contains 102 calories per 1 Tbsp (15 ml).

Exercise to gain weight
strength exercise

Exercise and Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1
    Quit smoking. Aside from other health problems caused by smoking, smoking is bad for you if you need to gain weight because it suppresses your appetite.
    • If you cannot quit smoking or quit it "cold turkey," you should at least avoid smoking several hours before you eat a major me
  2. 2
    Strength Exercise. Exercise in general is good because it stimulates the appetite. Strength training, in particular, is especially good because it allows you to gain weight by building your muscles.[5]
    • Note that this tactic is, admittedly, not especially "fast" unless you are already used to exercising before you begin the process of gaining weight. If you are unaccustomed to exercise, you will need to ease yourself into exercising more, so it may take time to see results. If you already exercise, shift your emphasis to strength training, and you will see results quicker as a result.
    • Exercise each major muscle group: chest, back, abdominals, biceps, triceps shoulders, quadriceps, and hamstrings. If possible, increase the amount to two or three exercises per group once your body becomes used to the activity.
    • Eating extra protein is especially important if you plan to build muscle mass through exercise.
    • Good strength training exercises include squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench presses, barbell rows, dips, chin-ups, crunches, bicep curls, leg presses, and leg curls.
  3. 3
    Rest well. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, especially if you plan to eat more protein and do more strength training.
      Sleep well
      Sleep well
    • Your body builds muscle and lean tissue as you sleep. Getting a full night's sleep will provide your body with enough rest to build sufficient muscle mass.

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